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Yearly Archives: 2010

Austin Mortgage Market Update – For the week of July 12, 2010

Last week's Inside Lending reported that on Friday, the President signed into law a bill that extends to September 30 the closing deadline for claiming the federal homebuyer tax credit. We want to add he signed a second bill that retroactively reinstates the National Flood Insurance program, which expired May 31, until September 30. This news is important for home buyers who are shopping in areas where flood insurance is necessary to get a mortgage. It would obviously behoove these buyers to close before September 30.

Austin mortgage interest rates appear to be locked in a tight range, trading at or near the best levels we’ve seen in 14 months

As we have mentioned in the past, Austin mortgage interest rates appear to be locked in a tight range, trading at or near the best levels we’ve seen in 14 months. Reasons being are the lack of employment growth in the US, soft housing, Europe feeling queasy, and China concerns over growth. Tough to find a reason for higher yields, worsening mortgage pricing well into the third quarter.

Austin Mortgage Market Update – For the week of July 5, 2010

Last Thursday pending home sales, a measure of contracts signed for existing homes, were reported off 30% in May compared to the prior month. This of course was simply the result of the end of the homebuyer tax credit, which required a signed contract by April 30. Common sense tells us many of those April contracts would have happened in May or even later if it weren't for the pressure to qualify for the tax credit.