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Yearly Archives: 2010

Austin Mortgage Market Update – For the week of October 4, 2010

Last week's housing market data centered on Standard & Poor's S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index. This showed home prices UP in July for the fourth month in a row, but the pace of their gain had slowed from prior months. With the expiration of the government's home buyer tax incentives, some observers wonder if the S&P/Case-Shiller will keep moving up. The composite 20-city index, a broad measure of U.S. home prices, showed a 3.2% increase year over year, the sixth month in a row it posted an annual gain.

USDA Rural Housing program will operate under Continuing Resolution authorization until the Agricultural Appropriations budget is finalized

At the start of the new fiscal year(tomorrow), it appears the USDA Rural Housing program will operate under Continuing Resolution authorization until the Agricultural Appropriations budget is finalized. This frequently happens at the start of the new fiscal year when the House and Senate don't finalize the budget prior to year end.

How to Grow Your Business – Find One Extra Hour a Day

Summer's over, so it's back to school for the kids and back to business for the rest of us. As you take a look at what lies ahead, it's easy to come to the conclusion there simply isn't enough time to get everything you want accomplished. You can't squeeze one more day out of the week or one more week out of the year, but you can find an extra hour each day without much trouble at all.

September 29, 2010|Business Tools|

Auction Update: 7-yr note auction draws 1.890%

Auction Update: 7-yr note auction draws 1.890%. Sees a 3.04 bid to cover (10-auction average of 2.84) and indirect bidders taking down 50.2%. Best bid to cover since 7-yr was brought back in Q1 2009. Pretty solid auction -Treasuries and mortgages are regaining some of the ground lost during the morning trading.